Personal Growth Program

Personal Training for the Mind

When the human brain is positive, you’re 3x more creative, intelligence rises, and productivity rises by 31%.

I’m excited to introduce to you a daily personal growth micro-practice with impressive results!

MindPT is a mobile, bite-sized personal growth solution that helps you change your automatic thought habits, so that your actions are always aligned with what you want in life.

This is the modern approach to our ultimate goal of feeling greater happiness…

  • Just 3 minutes a day will uplift, inspire and motivate you for 6-8 hours
  • FUN to watch
  • Watch anytime, anywhere on your mobile or desktop
  • Increase your confidence, self-esteem, happiness and outlook in minutes!


MindPT’s innovative approach using technology, neuroscience and positive psychology takes the work out of self-work!


I turned the major concepts of my latest book Your Best Age is Now into a MindPT program to further facilitate challenging the myths and misconceptions about midlife.

The MindPT program can be used alone or in conjunction with my book. I collaborated with the creator of MindPT Kim Serafini and the launch of her Global Online Conference called Being Our Best ( ) which starts February 1st 2017.

Click Here for a Special Launch Offer